Advance Ready Mix helps make Norton Cancer Institute groundbreaking a success
Posted in Commercial Projects 7 years ago
Advance Ready Mix has been a long time provider of concrete for Norton Hospitals, being involved in projects at Old Brownsboro Crossing, Audubon Hospital, Suburban Hospital and the downtown campus. So when they needed a special concrete for the groundbreaking ceremony for their new $38 million dollar cancer institute at Brownsboro Crossing, their first call was to us here at Advance Ready Mix.
Messer Construction is the general contractor on the project and they called looking for a concrete that could be poured early in the morning and still ready for handprints later in the day at the groundbreaking ceremony. To be sure, we did a test run of the mix the day before, so the mix we delivered worked perfectly. Norton employees, cancer survivors and even the mayor was there to leave their handprints and names in the concrete N that was formed up on stage. According to Tommy Unger with Messer, “The concrete you dropped off was on time and worked out perfectly. It set up just about as perfect as you could get. We got a lot of compliments on it and you guys did a heck of a job.”
Kentucky has one of the highest rates of cancer in the country and this new cancer center is a step to helping the citizens of Kentucky fight this terrible disease. When the cancer institute is open next October, it will be providing high quality services to treat each person as a whole – both physically and mentally.
A copy of the article about the event can be read at: