Kiana White: A Success Story
Posted in Commercial Projects 6 years ago

Advance Ready Mix teamed up with The Center for Women and Families to give their client, Kiana White, a position as a ready mix driver a little over a year ago. The Center for Women and Families provides trauma-informed advocacy and support for individuals and families affected by intimate partner violence and sexual assault. Camilla Schroeder reached out to The Center to see if they had any women that would like to get their Class A Commercial Driver's License and become a ready mix driver for Advance. Kiana immediately was interested and, after eight months of training, she was ready to be in her own mixer truck. Since then, she has been a very punctual, dependent and safe driver for their company. She has been doing such a great job that Advance thought she should get a brand new mixer, pictured above. Below is a link from WHAS11 to showcase not only The Center for Women and Families, but also their very own Kiana White: