Advance Ready Mix Continues its Support of Day Spring’s Concrete Ball Charity Event
Posted in Company News 7 years ago

For the 17th year in a row, Advance Ready Mix was involved with supporting the Day Spring’s Concrete Ball. The Concrete Ball is an annual charity event that takes place in Louisville, KY to support Day Spring Community Living. It’s an organization whose mission is that it enhances, empowers, and fulfills the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by encouraging self-determination; providing high quality, person-centered supports and services; and valuing the gifts of each person. The Concrete Ball is the largest fundraiser for Day Spring and has raised over $1,000,000 since its inception. While not the original brainchild of the event (that credit goes to Beth Barrett), our very own Camilla Schroeder was an integral part of its inception and was on the initial committee to get the event started.
While most years we attend the event, this year Advance Ready Mix was a table sponsor and then donated the table to residents of Day Spring so that they could attend this wonderful event. You can learn more about the Day Spring Community Living and make a donation at